
Burdová L.:  Regional government, guilds and crafts in the town of Pezinok
Grančičová S.: Wine club of Svätý Jur - past and present.  I would like to deal with the club formation from past to present and its activities.
Klokner T.: History of Wine Growing with an emphasis on the Roman period
Wine and its place in ancient cuisine and literature
Soročinová – Chomová L.:  cooperation in implementing and  processing systematic  and conservation research of the museum.
Research of settlements in the region (Bratislava Region) in prehistoric times
Trilecová E.: Birth house of Ján Kupecký and activities associated with him
Vavák J.: Systematic researches at the location of a Slavi fortified settlement in Sv. Jure (poloha Hradisko Neštich)
Researches at the location of a fortified village from the Bronze Age in Budmerice (location Sušička)